Incident Date:
Wednesday, February 9th, 2011
01:40 am 1800 blk Sunnydale Resisting Arrest
Officers Deguzman and Dilag responded to a fight call with numerous other Ingleside Station officers. The suspect was taken into custody, giving the officers a fight. The officers then met with the victims, a mother and daughter, who stated that they were not struck by the suspect, but that he was physically intimidating and threatening to strike the victims. The officers observed that the suspect seem unable to calm himself. The suspect was taken to Ingleside Station and booked. Report number 110120160
12:50 pm 200 blk Silver Warrant Arrest
Officer Trujillo responded to a fight call with Officer Toomey. The officers met with a man who stated that he had a verbal argument with a female friend and that the other party had walked away. Due to concern for the females well being the officers were given permission to search a home for the female. The officers located the woman in the back yard of the home and she verified that there had been no physical fight. The officers ran computer queries and found that the woman had two warrants for her arrest. The officers took her into custody and booked her for the warrants at County Jail. Report number 080226969
06:15 pm 4900 blk Mission Trespassing
Officer Preston, a foot beat officer, was contacted by a grocery store manager who stated that a young man was trespassing in the store. The manager stated that the subject has been admonished that he is not allowed in the store in the past and that he entered the store and was causing a disturbance. The officer located the subject and detained him. The officer transported the subject to the Community Assessment and Referral Center where he was admitted after being cited. Report number 110122445
Other incidents:
09:10 am 700 blk Gates Vandalism to Property
Officer Smethurst responded to a vandalism call. The officer met with several residents who stated that they were home when a man, known to them, attempted to enter their home and in the process damaged the metal security gate for the front door. The man is in a relationship of some sort with one of the women living in the home, and was previously the subject of a restraining order regarding that home and some of the occupants. The subject had fled prior to the officers’ arrival. Report number 110120524
10:00 am 1700 Cayuga Vandalism to Vehicle
Officers Pai and Araujo responded to a vandalism call. The officers met with the victim who showed them that his vehicle exterior had been damaged. The damage showed that someone had walked or jumped on the vehicle roof and written an expletive phrase on the vehicle hood. The victim did not have any suspect information. Report number 110120693
11:00 am Unit blk Phelan Theft from Building
A custodian at the community college located a wallet and turned it in to a staff member at the school Wellness Center. The staff member turned the wallet over to SFCCPD Officer Burlyga. The officer located the owner of the wallet, a student, who told the officer it had been stolen while she was in class, but she had not reported the theft. Forty dollars in cash was missing from the wallet. Report number 110122291
01:15 pm 555 Tompkins Disrupt School Activities
Officers Polovina and McMilton responded with Officers Preston and Bernard to a call of a man creating a disturbance at a school. The officers located and detained the man who was shirtless. The officers met with the caller, a counselor at the school, who stated that the man had been at the school on this date and the day prior acting erratically and disrupting the elementary school children on the school yard. The officers discovered that the man is a registered sex offender through a computer query. The officers contacted the Sex Crimes Unit and were told that his behavior did not violate the law. The subject was admonished regarding Interfering with Peaceful Conduct Near School Grounds, 626.8(d)pc. Report number 110121481
02:00 pm Geneva/Munich Theft from Person
PSA Cato was approached and Ingleside Station regarding a theft report. The victim told Cato that her purse was stolen from her as she exited a Muni coach. The victim had the purse attached to her backpack and felt a shove by an unknown suspect as she exited the bus. She later discovered the purse was not in her control. Report number 110121908
03:05 pm Unit blk Phelan Theft from Building
SFCCPD Officer Burlyga responded to a theft call. The officer met with the victim and another employee who stated that a female coworker was suspected of stealing on several occasions in the last year and is suspected of stealing money and a cell phone in this incident. The suspect was not on the scene for an interview. Report number 110121942
05:00 pm Unit blk Phelan Theft from Building
A student reported to SFCCPD Officer Bermudez that his netbook computer and currency had been stolen from his locked locker while he worked out. The victim stated that when he returned from his workout he discovered the lock had been removed from his locker and the contents of his bag had been stolen. Report number 110112166
07:40 pm Alemany/Seneca Theft from Locked Vehicle
A victim responded to Ingleside Station and told PSA Flynn that his vehicle had been broken into and that his GPS unit, power inverter and iPhone charger had been stolen from the glove box. The victim stated that the front passenger window had been smashed out. Report number 110112796
Vehicle Incidents:
08:12 am Unit blk Bannock Recovered Auto
10:30 am 500 blk 28th St Stolen Truck
10:31 am Alemany/Congdon Traffic Collision
10:45 am 600 blk Italy Recovered Auto
11:07 am San Jose/San Juan Traffic Collision
12:34 pm Watson/Ocean Unlicensed Driver
01:00 pm Geneva/Santos Suspended Driver
02:45 pm Unit blk Ankeny Recovered Auto
05:06 pm Sunnydale/Santos Suspended Driver
06:30 pm Hahn/Sunnydale Suspended Driver
06:31 pm Unit blk Benton Recovered Auto
07:34 pm San Jose/Liebig Unlicensed Driver
07:46 pm Mission/Silver Unlicensed Driver
08:00 pm 200 blk Avalon Traffic Collision H/R
09:15 pm Alemany/Mt Vernon Unlicensed Driver
11:57 pm Mission/Geneva Traffic Collision
12:25 am Naples/Geneva Suspended Driver