Incident Date:
Wednesday, July 12th, 2017
Please join us for the next
Ingleside community meeting on Tuesday,
July 18th, 2017 at 7pm!
The meeting will be held in the community room at Ingleside station. Light
refreshments will be provided. All are welcome
so we hope to see you there!
There are no arrests to report.
Serious Incidents:
There are no serious incidents to report.
Vehicle and Other Incidents:
12:01am 1700
Sunnydale Ave Burglary
3:50am 1600
blk Valencia St Vandalism
6:30am 740
Silver Ave Recovered Stolen vehicle
9:00am 200
blk Tingley St Theft
from vehicle
10:30am 100
blk Blythedale Ave Burglary
11:30am 100
blk South Hill Bl Trespassing
12:09pm 600
blk Tompkins Ave Recovered
2:25pm 1700
blk Sunnydale Ave Theft
from vehicle
2:35pm 300
blk Justin Dr Burglary
4:00pm 200
blk Topaz Way Burglary
4:11pm Alemany
Bl/Santa Rosa Ave Traffic
7:15pm 4700
blk Mission St Vandalism
11:30pm 300
blk Teddy Ave Stolen