Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Jan. 26, 2018

                Incident Date:
                 Friday, January 26th, 2018

The next Ingleside Community meeting will be held at the Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center located at 515 Cortland Avenue on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 6 p.m. There will be light refreshments available to those who come to the meeting.  All are welcome to attend. Note the time change to this particular meeting.

                                              We hope to see you all there!         

Ingleside Station has introduced a new and improved newsletter. If you would like to receive the new format, Please subscribe and follow a few easy steps. Go to, , then click on “Join our new newsletter” towards the bottom of the page and enter your email address and name. Once you have subscribed, you will receive the next newsletter, which will be published weekly.

In the meantime, we will still send out the old newsletter until many of our faithful subscribers have transitioned over.  Thank you and we hope you enjoy our newsletter.


3:14pm       100 Blk. Laura                       Attempted Arson
An alert citizen noticed a homeless man bundling up newspapers and lighting a fire in front of a garage door at neighbor’s home. The citizen’s wife called police while the witness flagged down off duty Ingleside Officer Najarro who quickly detained the suspect and confiscated his lighter. Ingleside Officers Hornstein and Thomas arrived soon thereafter and arrested the suspect for attempted Arson. Report number: 180069407

Serious Incidents:

9:49am       200 Blk. Foote                         Extortion
A date on “OK Cupid” turned into “OK Stupid” for a man looking for something other than love. The victim walked into Ingleside Station and told Officers Suguitan and Park that he engaged in a chat conversation with an unknown woman who asked for nude photos. The man sent the photos and the woman replied that if he didn’t send her $400 dollars that she would publish the photos on the internet. To emphasize she wasn’t bluffing, the unknown woman posted the pictures on “Google Hangout” and the victim’s Facebook page. The victim sent the money and has not had any other contact with the woman. Report number: 180072046

1:20pm       300 Blk. Moscow                    Hot Prowl Burglary
A woman home alone heard the doorbell ring. She ignored the ring, but soon thereafter, she heard noises coming from her parent’s room. The victim went to her parent’s bedroom and saw an unknown man attempting to open the sliding door to the backyard. Quickly, the woman ran outside just as her father drove up. They drove around the corner and saw a man exiting the second floor bedroom of their home, jump into a waiting SUV, and sped away south on Moscow Street with the victims in pursuit in their own car. They finally gave up the chase after a few blocks and returned home and wait for police. Ingleside Officers Watts and Rosales-Renteria arrived soon thereafter and searched the home. Inside they found a broken bedroom glass door and empty jewelry boxes on the floor. The loss was several items of jewelry. Report number: 180069203

9:20pm       Blythedale & Santos               Robbery
A man showing his family the sites of San Francisco found one aspect of city life he didn’t expect. He told Ingleside Officers Lau and Sgt. Hoang that he stopped his car at a stop sign at Blythedale and Santos when a man walked in front of his vehicle. Before crossing the street the suspect walked up to the car, pointed a black handgun at the victim, and demanded his wallet and tablet. The victim surrendered his wallet containing $400 as well as the tablet and the suspect, before leaving, punched the victim in the head several times. Report number: 180070432


Jan. 25, 2018

               Incident Date:
             Thursday, January 25th, 2018

The next Ingleside Community meeting will be held at the Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center located at 515 Cortland Avenue on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 6 p.m. There will be light refreshments available to those who come to the meeting.  All are welcome to attend. Note the time change to this particular meeting.

                                            We hope to see you all there!         

Ingleside Station has introduced a new and improved newsletter. If you would like to receive the new format, Please subscribe and follow a few easy steps. Go to, , then click on “Join our new newsletter” towards the bottom of the page and enter your email address and name. Once you have subscribed, you will receive the next newsletter, which will be published weekly.

In the meantime, we will still send out the old newsletter until many of our faithful subscribers have transitioned over.  Thank you and we hope you enjoy our newsletter.


There are no arrests to report.

Serious Incidents:

There are no serious incidents to report.


Jan. 24, 2018

                Incident Date:
             Wednesday, January 24th, 2018

The next Ingleside Community meeting will be held at the Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center located at 515 Cortland Avenue on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 6 p.m. There will be light refreshments available to those who come to the meeting.  All are welcome to attend. Note the time change to this particular meeting.

                                              We hope to see you all there!         

Ingleside Station has introduced a new and improved newsletter. If you would like to receive the new format, Please subscribe and follow a few easy steps. Go to, , then click on “Join our new newsletter” towards the bottom of the page and enter your email address and name. Once you have subscribed, you will receive the next newsletter, which will be published weekly.

In the meantime, we will still send out the old newsletter until many of our faithful subscribers have transitioned over.  Thank you and we hope you enjoy our newsletter.

4:07pm       3300 Blk. Mission                    Theft
A customer entered a small market and couldn’t resist the temptation to pick up a snack and some smokes. The store clerk told Ingleside Officers Naser and Tayliong that the barefoot customer grabbed a bag of chips and three cigarillos then left the store without paying. The suspect then sat down on a bench outside the store to enjoy his late afternoon snack and have a smoke. But Naser and Tayliong interrupted his repast and cited him for the theft while calling for an ambulance so he could be transported to the hospital for a treatment of a lacerated foot. Report number: 180064106

4:20pm       1400 Blk. Sunnydale              Auto Burglary
The Police Department issued citywide bulletins to all officers to be on the lookout for an older Ford Crown Victoria wanted for a car burglary in the Richmond District and for evading Tenderloin officers who spotted the Ford speeding away from Turk and Jones Streets. Ingleside Officers Archilla and Casey were on routine patrol when they spotted the Crown Vic double parked on the 1400 Block of Sunnydale Avenue. Archilla and Casey, joined by Ingleside Officers Barajas, Seavey, and Jensen followed the suspects as it meandered through Visitacion Valley and eventually into the Bayview District where it was stopped at Fitzgerald and Jennings. Three occupants were removed from the vehicle and one of the two passengers was positively identified as the suspect in the Richmond District auto burglary that occurred earlier. He was taken to Ingleside Station and booked for the crime. Report number: 180057612

10:00pm     Theresa & Mission                D.U.I
Ingleside Officer Piper and Sgt. Ly were driving north on Mission, approaching Silver Avenue, when they noticed the driver of a Chevy Blazer on Silver blow through the light and turn North from Silver onto Mission Street. The officers followed the Blazer as the driver drifted from one lane to another, narrowly colliding with a stopped Muni bus and several parked cars. Piper and Sgt. Ly turned on their vehicle’s emergency lights and siren and stopped the Blazer’s driver at Mission and Theresa. The officers quickly noticed the driver had bloodshot eyes and slurred speech and smelled of alcohol. He was given a roadside sobriety test and failed miserably. A breath alcohol test revealed a blood alcohol level over twice the legal limit. The suspect was transported to the County Jail and booked on the DUI. Report number: 180065041

Serious Incidents:

11:46am     Mission & Persia                    Theft
A woman standing in the aisle while riding on a #14 Muni bus was listening to music on her IPhone. The victim told Ingleside Officers Chan and Endo that the suspect grabbed her IPhone and earphones and ran off the bus at Persia and Mission. The victim chased the suspect, but gave up after a short chase. Report number: 180063114

12:20pm     500 Blk. Naples                      Assault
Ingleside Officers Camarra and Grabbe were dispatched to a report of an assault possibly involving a machete. The victim told the officers that he had exited his friend’s car when a man exited a parked black Chevy Suburban and started yelling obscenities at him. The victim talked back and kept walking away. However, the suspect did more than talking by taking out a large machete and hitting the victim on the shoulder. The suspect then ran back to the Suburban which sped away. The victim credited his puffy jacket for saving him from serious injury. Report number: 180063249

6:00pm       Mission & Richland                Theft
A woman walked into Ingleside Station and told Officer Thompson that a Muni passenger stole her valuables. She said she boarded a bus at Mission and 24th Street and stood near the back door on the crowded bus holding her purse in front of her. When the bus stopped at Silver she looked in her purse and noticed her wallet missing containing debit cards, cash, social security card, and driver’s license. Report number: 180066102


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Jan. 23, 2018

                Incident Date:
              Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018

The next Ingleside Community meeting will be held at the Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center located at 515 Cortland Avenue on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 6 p.m. There will be light refreshments available to those who come to the meeting.  All are welcome to attend. Note the time change to this particular meeting.

                                              We hope to see you all there!         

Ingleside Station has introduced a new and improved newsletter. If you would like to receive the new format, Please subscribe and follow a few easy steps. Go to, , then click on “Join our new newsletter” towards the bottom of the page and enter your email address and name. Once you have subscribed, you will receive the next newsletter, which will be published weekly.

In the meantime, we will still send out the old newsletter until many of our faithful subscribers have transitioned over.  Thank you and we hope you enjoy our newsletter.

3:27am       1100 Blk. Bosworth                         Firearm
Ingleside Officer Demkowski was on routine patrol when she spotted a Chevy Astro Van with plates showing that the registration had expired five years ago. Inside in the van were two men and two women. Demkowski activated her emergency lights and siren and pulled over the vehicle while calling for assistance. Soon thereafter, Ingleside Officers Parker, Stoffel, Cagney, and Mroz arrived to lend assistance. The two men in the van had an extensive criminal history. One had been arrested for robbery, possession of a loaded firearm, attempted murder, and assault with a firearm. The other for robbery, auto burglary, assault with a deadly weapon, conspiracy, and assault with a firearm. Both were on parole. Inside the van, officers discovered a loaded firearm hidden behind one of the seats. Both were booked for violation of parole and the illegal possession of a firearm. One woman was cited for a vehicle code violation and released and the second woman was released without any charges. Report number: 180059527

Serious Incidents:

5:11pm       Leese & Richland                            Homicide
The sound of gunshots startled Ingleside Officers Bailey and Mullins who were stopped at a red light on Richland and Mission. The officers proceeded eastbound on Richland crossing Mission and radioed for assistance, which brought close to a dozen additional Ingleside officers to the scene. Near the intersection of Richland and Leese the officers found two victims, a man and a woman, bleeding from gunshots wounds. The male victim died at the scene and the woman was transported to San Francisco General Hospital for life threatening injuries. The SFPD’s Homicide Unit, as well as other specialty bureaus, has taken over the investigation. Report number: 180061221


Friday, January 26, 2018

Jan. 22, 2018

                 Incident Date:
               Monday, January 22nd, 2018

The next Ingleside Community meeting will be held at the Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center located at 515 Cortland Avenue on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 6 p.m. There will be light refreshments available to those who come to the meeting.  All are welcome to attend. Note the time change to this particular meeting.

                                             We hope to see you all there!         

Ingleside Station has introduced a new and improved newsletter. If you would like to receive the new format, Please subscribe and follow a few easy steps. Go to, , then click on “Join our new newsletter” towards the bottom of the page and enter your email address and name. Once you have subscribed, you will receive the next newsletter, which will be published weekly.

In the meantime, we will still send out the old newsletter until many of our faithful subscribers have transitioned over.  Thank you and we hope you enjoy our newsletter.

There are no arrests to report.

Serious Incidents:

9:30am       2200 Bayshore                             Robbery w/Force
A man exited a business and was soon approached by an unknown suspect riding a bicycle. The suspect demanded the victim’s cellphone. When the victim told the suspect to “get out of his face”, the suspect punched the suspect in the face several times. But, the victim punched back and the fight continued for a short while until the victim’s cellphone fell to the ground. The suspect then picked up the phone and rode away on his bicycle. Ingleside Officers Chang and Salazar arrived soon, thereafter, and summoned medical assistance for the victim. He was transported to St. Luke’s Hospital for treatment. Report number: 180056802

7:56pm       Russia & Prague                        Robbery
A woman waiting for the bus noticed a man exit a dark sedan parked across the street. The victim told Ingleside Officers Leung and Clayton that the suspect approached and suddenly punched her in the face before grabbing her purse. The suspect then ran back to the waiting sedan which sped away. The loss was the purse containing her keys, wallet, cash, cellphone, and identification. The officers summoned medical help and paramedics arrived and noticed a large bruise on the victim’s chin. She was transported to San Francisco General Hospital for additional treatment. The officers also recovered nearby security video, which revealed the attacker and his vehicle. The footage was forwarded to the Ingleside Station Investigative Team. Report number: 180058808


Jan. 21, 2018

               Incident Date:
               Sunday, January 21st, 2018

The next Ingleside Community meeting will be held at the Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center located at 515 Cortland Avenue on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 6 p.m. There will be light refreshments available to those who come to the meeting.  All are welcome to attend. Note the time change to this particular meeting.

                                             We hope to see you all there!         

Ingleside Station has introduced a new and improved newsletter. If you would like to receive the new format, Please subscribe and follow a few easy steps. Go to, , then click on “Join our new newsletter” towards the bottom of the page and enter your email address and name. Once you have subscribed, you will receive the next newsletter, which will be published weekly.

In the meantime, we will still send out the old newsletter until many of our faithful subscribers have transitioned over.  Thank you and we hope you enjoy our newsletter.

6:42pm       600 Blk. Monterey                   Vehicle Burglary
The San Francisco Police Department has dedicated significant resources to help quell the rash of vehicle burglaries plaguing all neighborhoods of the City. In the Ingleside District several plainclothes and uniformed officers have been assigned to this task. On this evening, Ingleside Officers Barajas, Seavey, Lee, and Jensen were observing the two parking lots at the Monterey Avenue Safeway. Several vehicle thefts have taken place in the lots. On this night the officers observed an older BMW, occupied by three men and three women enter the upper parking lot. Two of the male occupants exited the car and started peering in the windows of many of the parked cars. The officers watched as one of the suspects took out a punch and broke the window of a parked Hyundai SUV. The suspect grabbed a bag from inside and then ran back to the waiting BMW. The officers quickly blocked the street exit to the parking lot and stopped the vehicle from escaping. The six suspects were removed from the vehicle and inside they found the punch used to break into cars plus a bag of clothing removed from the Hyundai. The Hyundai’s owner positively identified the items that were stolen from his SUV. A search of the BMW’s glove box revealed several passports stolen from previous vehicle burglaries. Two of the male suspects were taken to the county jail and booked for vehicle burglary. One male suspect was taken to the Juvenile Justice Center and booked for the same crime. The three juvenile female passengers in the car were released to their parents or guardians. Report number: 180055581

Serious Incidents:

9:45pm       San Jose & Mt. Vernon            Arson
Ingleside Officers Govindbhai and Cortez-Cendejas were on routine patrol when they spotted a parked vehicle fully engulfed in flames. The officers requested fire units and soon, thereafter, SFFD truck #15 arrived on scene and extinguished the blaze. The fire completely destroyed the 2016 Nissan. The car was towed to auto return and held for arson inspectors. The officers were unable to contact the vehicle’s registered owner who lived nearby. Report number: 180055898


Jan. 20, 2018

                Incident Date:
              Saturday, January 20th, 2018

The next Ingleside Community meeting will be held at the Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center located at 515 Cortland Avenue on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 6 p.m. There will be light refreshments available to those who come to the meeting.  All are welcome to attend. Note the time change to this particular meeting.

                                              We hope to see you all there!         

Ingleside Station has introduced a new and improved newsletter. If you would like to receive the new format, Please subscribe and follow a few easy steps. Go to, , then click on “Join our new newsletter” towards the bottom of the page and enter your email address and name. Once you have subscribed, you will receive the next newsletter, which will be published weekly.

In the meantime, we will still send out the old newsletter until many of our faithful subscribers have transitioned over.  Thank you and we hope you enjoy our newsletter.

2:43pm       1500 Blk. Noe                          Battery
Ingleside Officers Suguitan and Park were dispatched to a report of a battery of a homeowner. The victim told the officers he was called home by his daughter who reported three men were using their home’s front steps for skateboard tricks. One of the suspects was filming the activity. The father arrived and told the three men they were trespassing and to leave. Two of them did, but one snuck up behind the victim and sucker punched in the face causing him to lose his balance and almost fall down. The three men then ran away. Suguitan and Park summoned an ambulance who treated the victim at the scene. After taking the report, the officers went back on patrol and soon found the suspect in the attack skating westbound on Avalon near Edinburgh. The officers stopped the suspect and he was cited for battery and released at the scene. Report number: 180052468

 11:06pm     Holladay & Peralta                Recovered Auto
Two observant Ingleside Officers, Burke and Anderson, noticed a man pulling a tarp off a Range Rover parked on the sidewalk. The curious officers decided to run the plate on the Range Rover and the results revealed the vehicle was stolen in a recent home burglary of high dollar property. The suspect was placed in custody. A computer check revealed the suspect had several convictions for theft and was on probation. He also had a quantity of cocaine in one of his pockets. He was taken to Ingleside Station and booked for vehicle theft and narcotics. Parked behind the Range Rover was a late model Audi with license plates that did not belong to the vehicle. A computer check revealed it was also stolen. A woman inside was wanted for a narcotics violation with a warrant from San Bruno PD. She was arrested as well and taken to Ingleside Station for booking. Report numbers: 170930551 & 180015284

Serious Incidents:

There are no serious incidents to report.


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Jan. 19, 2018

                 Incident Date:
                  Friday, January 19th, 2018

The next Ingleside Community meeting will be held at the Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center located at 515 Cortland Avenue on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 6 p.m. There will be light refreshments available to those who come to the meeting.  All are welcome to attend. Note the time change to this particular meeting.

                                               We hope to see you all there!         

Ingleside Station has introduced a new and improved newsletter. If you would like to receive the new format, Please subscribe and follow a few easy steps. Go to, , then click on “Join our new newsletter” towards the bottom of the page and enter your email address and name. Once you have subscribed, you will receive the next newsletter, which will be published weekly.

In the meantime, we will still send out the old newsletter until many of our faithful subscribers have transitioned over.  Thank you and we hope you enjoy our newsletter.
11:38am     1800 Blk. Alemany                 Bicycle Theft
A pair of thieves could not resist the temptation of an unlocked bicycle in the bed of a pickup truck. The pair took the bicycle and were walking away when a witness yelled at them to stop. They ignored the plea. The witness called police and Ingleside Officers Grabbe and Clayton were able to detain the pair a few blocks away. The witness positively identified the suspects as the thieves. A computer check revealed that one of the suspects was on felony probation for burglary. The theft was a violation of his probation and he was taken to the county jail for booking. His companion was cited for petty theft and released. Report number: 180049302

7:55pm       3300 Block Mission                D.U.I
Ingleside Officers Hardy and Lau were dispatched to a report of a collision involving a vehicle and a fire hydrant. When the officers arrived they found the suspect driving slowly through the Safeway parking lot near where a fire hydrant was partially toppled over. They activated their red lights and siren in the unsuccessful first attempt to stop the driver. The officers got out of their patrol car and ordered the driver to stop his car and exit the vehicle. The suspect stumbled out of the vehicle and could barely walk. The officers summoned medical assistance and an ambulance arrived to take the suspect to San Francisco General Hospital. He was too drunk for a field sobriety test. At the hospital the suspect told the officers that he had drank wine and beer before the collision. He also had a suspended license. A judge authorized a blood draw for alcohol intoxication which was performed at the hospital. After treatment at SFGH, he was taken to the County Jail and booked for DUI and other crimes. Report number: 180050729

Serious Incidents:

1:18pm       San Jose & Day                      Attempted Robbery
A witness was brutally attacked while trying to stop a thief. He told Ingleside Officers Suguitan and Park that he noticed a man carrying two handbaskets full of groceries toward his car parked on Alemany near Safeway. The witness took out his cellphone and snapped several pictures of the suspect and his car. The suspect, seeing the witness taking pictures, quickly ran up and demanded the cellphone. When the witness wouldn’t surrender his property, the suspect attacked the witness kicking and punching him several times. Fortunately, another witness, seeing the fight jumped in to separate the two combatants. The suspect ran back to his car and sped away. The victim was taken to St. Lukes Hospital for treatment, but not before the officers were able to download pictures of the suspect to their department issued cellphones. Report number: 180049540

4:40pm       2400 Blk Geneva                    Robbery
A young woman walking home after exiting a Muni bus was suddenly attacked and robbed by three other young women. The victim told Ingleside Officers Espinoza and Tom that the three suspects were taunting her on the bus before the robbery. She told Espinoza and Tom that one woman was primarily responsible for the attack and the loss of her cellphone and one of the other suspects was using her own cellphone to film the robbery and assault.  Medics were summoned who treated the victim at the scene of the attack for several scrapes to her knees and elbows. Report number: 180050343

9:30pm       4200 Blk. Folsom                   Hot Prowl Burglary
A man woke up and went into his kitchen to find his wallet, containing his driver’s license, cash, debit cards, BART pass, fishing license, and keys missing. He also discovered his car was also gone, possibly driven away with the stolen keys. Shortly after that he received a text message from his bank saying one of his debit cards was used to purchase items at a store on the 1000 block of Market Street. Ingleside Officer Gonzalez arrived and determined the suspect entered and exited the home through an unlocked and slightly open kitchen window. Report number: 180051783


Jan. 18, 2018

                Incident Date:
              Thursday, January 18th, 2018

The next Ingleside Community meeting will be held at the Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center located at 515 Cortland Avenue on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 6 p.m. There will be light refreshments available to those who come to the meeting.  All are welcome to attend. Note the time change to this particular meeting.

                                               We hope to see you all there!         

Ingleside Station has introduced a new and improved newsletter. If you would like to receive the new format, Please subscribe and follow a few easy steps. Go to, , then click on “Join our new newsletter” towards the bottom of the page and enter your email address and name. Once you have subscribed, you will receive the next newsletter, which will be published weekly.

In the meantime, we will still send out the old newsletter until many of our faithful subscribers have transitioned over.  Thank you and we hope you enjoy our newsletter.

7:16am       Precita & Folsom                             Warrant Arrest
A woman screaming obscenities prompted dispatch to send Ingleside Officer Wong and Sgt. Kumli to investigate. When they arrived the suspect appeared delusional and distressed and claimed she was a police officer. Sgt. Kumli and Wong ran a records check on the suspect, which came up with an outstanding warrant for her arrest out of Mendocino County. She was placed in custody and taken to the County Jail. Report number: 180046201

1:37pm       Cesar Chavez & Guerrero              Warrant Arrest
A citizen called police to report two suspicious individuals near the back gate to a business. Again, Officer Wong and Sgt. Kumli were dispatched and found the man and woman near the locked gate. Both denied trying to break into the business and said they were transients looking for a place to sleep. A computer check revealed the woman suspect had a warrant for her arrest. She was taken to the County Jail and booked for the warrant. Her companion was released at the scene. Report number: 180047077

Serious Incidents:

9:30pm       Athens & Cordova                           Robbery
A woman and her boyfriend walked into Ingleside Station and told a harrowing tale. She said she was brutally assaulted and robbed after exiting a rideshare vehicle and walking toward her home the night before. She told Ingleside Officer Kerlegan that she doesn’t remember anything after exiting the car until she woke up the next day in Kaiser Hospital on Geary Street. Physicians said she suffered fractures to the left side of her face. Her boyfriend told Officer Kerlegan that he found the victim in bed incoherent and suffering from the serious wounds the evening of the attack. He drove her to Kaiser Hospital for treatment. During the attack the victim’s purse was stolen containing cash, keys, identification, and credit cards. Surveillance video shows an unknown suspect running from a parked car across the street from the victim’s home and then, a short time later, running back to the car which sped away. Report number: 180049635

10:23pm     John F. Shelley Dr. & Mansell        Evading Police
A dark colored Infinity with a rear paper plate, no front plate, and the passenger side headlight out, traveling at high speed caught the attention of Ingleside Officers Burke and Anderson. The officers activated their emergency lights and siren and attempted to stop the vehicle, but instead of stopping, it sped away at a higher speed. In the interest of safety, the officers terminated their pursuit. The vehicle matched the description of a vehicle wanted in a hot prowl burglary. Report number: 180048207


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Jan. 17, 2018

               Incident Date:
           Wednesday, January 17th, 2018

The next Ingleside Community meeting will be held at the Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center located at 515 Cortland Avenue on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 6 p.m. There will be light refreshments available to those who come to the meeting.  All are welcome to attend. Note the time change to this particular meeting.

                                             We hope to see you all there!         

Ingleside Station has introduced a new and improved newsletter. If you would like to receive the new format, Please subscribe and follow a few easy steps. Go to, , then click on “Join our new newsletter” towards the bottom of the page and enter your email address and name. Once you have subscribed, you will receive the next newsletter, which will be published weekly.

In the meantime, we will still send out the old newsletter until many of our faithful subscribers have transitioned over.  Thank you and we hope you enjoy our newsletter.

4:41pm       Paris & Italy                           D.U.I
Ingleside Officers Hardy and Lau were dispatched to investigate a report of an accident at Paris and Italy Streets. When they arrived on scene they found a newer Honda Civic that had collided with a Ford Escape. The driver of the Civic had watery eyes and alcohol on is breath. There was an open container of Beer near the front seat. The suspect told the officers that he collided earlier with a gold Honda Accord while driving in traffic on the 900 block of Geneva. Instead of stopping and exchanging information with that driver, the suspect took off only to collide with another car at Paris and Italy. Hardy and Lau conducted a roadside sobriety test which the suspect failed. He did consent to a blood alcohol test which was conducted by a phlebotomist at Mission Station. After the test he was taken to the County Jail and booked for DUI. Report number: 180044700

Serious Incidents:

4:56am       100 Blk. Dublin                      Search Warrant
Ingleside Officers Barajas, Seavey, Lee, Carew, Mora, along with Sergeants Lau and Lopez served a search warrant for illegal gambling equipment and software at a home on the 100 block of Dublin. Inside the home the officers retrieved phones, laptops, thumb drives, and other equipment related to setting up and running an illegal gambling business. Report number: 180043069

5:00am       Geneva & San Jose                 Discharging of Firearm
The simple maneuver of merging into another lane of traffic could have cost this driver and his passenger their lives. The victims told Ingleside Officers Demkowski and Smith that they were driving westbound on Geneva, near San Jose, when they activated their turn signal and merged into the left lane of traffic around a double parked vehicle. The victim said after the merge, the driver of a grey SUV that was behind him, and already in the left lane, pulled up next to them in the right lane, and fired a gunshot into the right rear door of their car. The suspect then sped off westbound on Geneva. Report number: 180043100

10:00am     300 Blk. Los Palmos Dr.          Hot Prowl Burglary
A resident getting ready to step into the shower heard a tapping on the front door. She told Ingleside Officers Gomez, Thompson, Tiffer, and Sgt. Young that she looked out her front bedroom window and didn’t see anyone. She then returned to the bathroom and turned on her shower. She heard loud knocking at the front door but did not leave the bathroom. But, when the loud knocking turned into a loud booming sound, she turned off the water and looked out the bathroom and said, “Hello” twice. She told the officers that she walked out of the bathroom and noticed her front door was open. Understandably frightened, she ran to her bedroom, locked the door, and dialed 911. The victim told the officers she didn’t think anything was missing but she did notice that her laptop and cell phone had been moved from one room to another. The officers determined the suspect entered and exited the residence through the front door. Report number: 180043520

9:05pm       Mission & Guttenberg           Robbery w/Force
A customer walked out of a store and was immediately set upon by two unknown suspects. The victim told Ingleside Officers Zhao and Fogarty that the suspects punched and kicked him several times while looking through his pockets and removing a wallet containing cash, credit cards, and his identification. The officers summoned medical help and the victim was treated for a laceration to his nose while at the scene. Report number: 180045463


Jan. 16, 2018

                Incident Date:
               Tuesday, January 16th, 2018

The next Ingleside Community meeting will be held at the Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center located at 515 Cortland Avenue on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 6 p.m. There will be light refreshments available to those who come to the meeting.  All are welcome to attend. Note the time change to this particular meeting.

                                               We hope to see you all there!         

Ingleside Station will be rolling out a new and improved newsletter. If you would like to receive the new format, Please subscribe and follow a few easy steps. Go to, , then click on “Join our new newsletter” towards the bottom of the page and enter your email address and name. Once you have subscribed, you will receive the next newsletter, which will be published weekly.

In the meantime, we will still send out the old newsletter until many of our faithful subscribers have transitioned over.  Thank you and we hope you enjoy our newsletter.

4:48am       300 Valley Street                   Hot Prowl Burglary
The usual morning trip to the front door to pick up the newspaper for one citizen was interrupted by the sound of his garage door opening. The citizen glanced at the front door and noticed an unknown man leaving his garage on a bicycle holding a duffel bag. The victim told Ingleside Officers Hermosura and Wong that he gave chase catching the burglar, throwing him to the ground, and, in a struggle with the victim, using a “chicken wing” maneuver to subdue the suspect and retrieved the backpack. The victim’s fiancé, seeing the struggle, yelled at her boyfriend not to get hurt and release the suspect. The suspect took off, but was free only a short time, before Ingleside Officer George spotted him and, after a short chase, placed him custody. Report number: 180040429

Serious Incidents:

9:00pm       4400 Blk. Mission                  Robbery w/Knife
A citizen walking to his parked car from the Excelsior Library was suddenly confronted by two armed suspects. The victim told Police Services Aid Dugan he was shoved into a fence while one suspect held a knife to his face. The victim surrendered his computer tablet, credit cards, and cash. The suspects, before walking away, then punched the victim in the stomach. Report number: 180044192


Friday, January 19, 2018

Jan. 15, 2018

             Incident Date:
            Monday, January 15th, 2018

The next Ingleside Community meeting will be held at the Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center located at 515 Cortland Avenue on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 6 p.m. There will be light refreshments available to those who come to the meeting.  All are welcome to attend. Note the time change to this particular meeting.

                                            We hope to see you all there!         

Ingleside Station has introduced a new and improved newsletter. If you would like to receive the new format, Please subscribe and follow a few easy steps. Go to, , then click on “Join our new newsletter” towards the bottom of the page and enter your email address and name. Once you have subscribed, you will receive the next newsletter, which will be published weekly.

In the meantime, we will still send out the old newsletter until many of our faithful subscribers have transitioned over.  Thank you and we hope you enjoy our newsletter.

2:37pm       3300 Blk. Mission                    Robbery
Two potential shoplifters, a man and a woman, caught the eye of store management. The employees watched as the pair navigated different aisles of the store and then, carrying sound equipment and food items walked out of the store without paying. The manager confronted the pair and was able to retrieve the sound equipment after a physical confrontation. The pair also dropped a shopping bag full of food. The pair then walked away and the manager called police with Ingleside Officers Clayton and Ocreto arriving a short time later. The officers broadcast a description of the suspects and Ingleside Officers Calupad and Dungca found them at 24th and Mission Streets. Both were arrested and brought back to the store where the manager and other employees positively identified them as the shoplifters. Both were arrested and transported to Ingleside Station for booking. Report number: 180039080

Serious Incidents:

3:10pm       San Bruno & Mansell             Robbery w/Force
A Muni rider exited the bus at San Bruno and Mansell and was followed by another passenger. The victim kept walking with the suspect following. When the victim crossed the street the suspect grabbed the victim’s hat and walked away. The victim called police and then entered his car and followed the suspect for a while before losing sight of him on the 4100 block of San Bruno Avenue. Ingleside Officers Naser and Tayliong searched the area for the suspect without success. Report number: 180039143

8:45pm       Tomaso & Sunnydale Ave.     Robbery
A man and woman sitting in a parked car were approached by an unknown suspect. The victim’s told Ingleside Officer Wise that the suspect knocked on the passenger side window and asked for money. The male victim opened the door and told the suspect he didn’t have any money. The suspect then grabbed a gold chain from the male victim’s neck and an IPhone belonging to the woman passenger and quickly walked away. Report number: 180039949